Today was a day of contrasts. I started out in fairly heavy fog but it soon dissipated and there was sun and very light clouds. Then, suddenly, the rains hit with a vengeance. Before I knew it I was riding in rain so heavy many of the cars were pulled off on the side of the road waiting for it to pass. I started hearing something that sounded like rocks hitting my helmet and feel something stinging my hands and I realized it was hail. That didn’t last long and it was very small. I sure hope I don’t experience any larger hail stones. The rain lasted off and on most of the rest of the day.
I will pass the 3,000 mile mark early today. So far the riding has been enjoyable but this is my first trip riding in the east and I think I prefer the riding out west. Not nearly the traffic and plenty of wide open spaces.
In between the rain drops I did manage to get a picture of a covered bridge that is still in use. I actually crossed from New Hampshire to Vermont using this bridge.
Great adventure Dick. I've got your blog bookmarked so I can check it daily. We're all envious.
Are you posting a map of your progress anywhere? Being a map kind of guy I'd love to be able to plot your progression across these great United States.
Be careful out there.
If you go back to where Dick's blog is and scroll to the very bottom, you will see "older posts" click on that and scroll until you see his map. Hope you don't mind me answering, but the trip will be over by the time Dick got around to it! (sorry Dick we still love you)
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