Tigger and I were having wide ranging discussion last night when he mentioned he was in need of a good pair of waterproof hunting boots. Apparently the hundred acre wood gets quite wet and muddy in the spring or after a hard rain. Where else would you go in Maine for hunting boots other than LL Bean? Unfortunately all of the boots were too big for him.
As I was riding down US 1 towards Acadia National Park I noticed what I would consider a sign of the times. A small local bank was offering heating oil loans. I guess if you had a thousand gallon tank and needed to fill it at over three dollars a gallon many people would not keep that kind of money just lying around.
I decided to take the back roads from Portland, Maine to Bar Harbor, Maine and now I know when I need to get from point to point, particularly in the east, I take the interstate. It took me nearly seven hours to ride 150 miles with two short stops. The weather today started out good then turned bad then turned good then turned bad again. Sounds like a typical day on the Maine coast.
I am off to find a place to get – what else – lobster.
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