Today I awoke to temperatures in the low 60s and sunny skies. My first destination was Shenandoah National Park and the Skyline Drive. The Skyline Drive is the main road through Shenandoah National Park and traverses the park in a North-South Direction. It is essentially an extension of the Blue Ridge Parkway but since it is located within a national park, it has a lower speed limit and an entrance fee. I rode 18 miles on the Skyline Drive before I saw my first car. As I progressed, I did see a few more cars and motorcycles, but I would guess I saw less than 80 vehicles in 102 miles. The temperatures remained in the low 70s for most of the day and the riding was what a motorcyclist lives for.
One of the things I like about traveling alone is the flexibility to change plans at the last minute. As I was sitting at Starbucks in Front Royal, Virginia I was looking at the map and I noticed that Harpers Ferry, West Virginia was only about 30 miles away so I decided to ride up for another park and another state in my quest. Mission accomplished, but the rest of the day I was singing in my head the words “John Brown’s body lies a smoldering in the grave” to the Battle Hymn of the Republic”. Was that actually a song or am I starting to hallucinate already?
As you can see I purchased a new camera. It actually has more features than the old one. Trouble is, at my age it may take me the rest of the trip to learn all of them. I did buy a protective case and an extended warranty. Of course, these purchases assure I will never have the first minute’s problem with the camera.
I can’t tell all of you who are reading and posting how much I look forward to your comments. I would like for you to let me know who you are. One individual made this comment in yesterday’s post but didn’t identify themselves. That is something I would do.
In the tradition of my friend Mark Ryburn I have decided to acquire a mascot to accompany me. I need someone to talk to while I am on the bike and I don’t want anyone that will complain about my hours, the way I ride or otherwise be a general pain in the neck. I have decided the perfect companion would be Tigger. He always has a smile on his face. As opposed to Scooby Do who is a timid sort, Tigger has no fear. Of course this may be attributed to the fact that Tigger is one slice short of a full loaf, but that is probably appropriate since that same comment was made about me when some of my friends learned about his trip.
Hey Dick - what happened to your camera? Should have know there was going to be a problem when you couldn't get the zoom to work.
Looks like you're having a blast, I wish I was there.
Here's wishing you smooth roads and wonderful weather. See you in August.
I think your mascot should be Oscar the Grouch...just kidding.
..or maybe Eyore? Eore? the blue/purple donkey...nah....
Any old Bear would work....
I'm glad you got a new camera - I've really enjoy getting to catch just a little glimpse of what you are experiencing. And I think Tigger is the perfect mascot for you.
I'll be up in the cooler temps muself for a few days, but will check in on your progress when I return.
Stay safe.
Let us know if you start answering to tigger.
Have some fun for me.
John Michael
Keep the pictures coming...but 1st you have to remember to take your camera every where you lucky duck!
Hi Dick -
The trip sounds perfect so far and I'm sure will continue that way as organized and planned as you are. Glad your photographing again too and the pics with the new camera look great. Shenandoah is beautiful and seeing by motorcycle even more so I'm sure.
Have fun and ride safe.
Sounds like all is well on the road. I shared with my buddy that you're using the theme....If you're not living on the edge...you're taking up too much space...he was proud to hear it made it to your website and agreed whole heartedly that you were a well deserving soul to be using the saying.
I learned of someone on an amazing boating trip and plan to send them your website. They left Sarasota via boat....have gone up the east coast ....are currently in Cape May NJ and plan to go into NY Harbor up the Hudson through the Erie...into the Mississippi and return to Sarasota....not sure who's got more screws loose??
Thanks for the daily postings and pictures....my family is enjoying the trip....
Keep your eye on the road....
Take it easy....
Dick - the mountains look beautiful, the weather sounds great, and the motorcycle is VERY cool. That's amazing that you could have gone 18 miles without seeing another car. You are gonna have to sing that "John Brown.." thing for us when you get back - I did not recognize the lyrics...
One question, do you ever whistle while you ride the bike? Maybe you could factor that in to one of your scientific studies :-)
Thanks for sharing your trip - it's awesome,
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