My brother rode with me yesterday and spent the night with me before returning home today. So today it was just Tigger and me. Tigger told me he didn’t think he should accompany me on my friends and family outings in Brookville because he was afraid some folks might start wondering about me. I didn’t have the heart to tell him most of them already do.
Those people who know me well know that I seem to always have a song in my head. It seems that almost anything can trigger this phenomenon. So you know what happened when I rode over the Red River Valley. Then, without warning I found myself “just about a mile from Texarkana”. I think it must have been riding through Eastern Tennessee which, apparently, was the home of Loretta Lynn at some point in time. By the way, it is impossible to be in Louisiana and just about a mile from Texarkana. According to Google maps the closest you can come is 27.8 miles. But I guess that didn’t fit well in the song.
Speaking of Ms. Lynn, it seems she is quite popular in that particular area of eastern Tennessee and her name was associated with some unusual businesses. The Loretta Lynn museum made sense and the Loretta Lynn RV Park and Campground was a stretch, but OK. However, when I saw the Loretta Lynn Dude Ranch I concluded they went too far. I could even seeing naming a coal mine after her, but a dude ranch. No way dude!
Arkansas is the home of Bill Clinton. I rode through Hope, Arkansas, which was his birthplace, I went to Hot Springs National Park in Hot Springs, Arkansas which was his boyhood home and I drove through Little Rick where he rose to fame. (No pun intended) It always fascinates me how political leanings determine a persons view of history.
The tower overlooks Hot Springs but they wanted to charge Tigger double to walk to the top because they couldn’t find a fee schedule for such a creature. So, we settled for a couple of photos.