Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 39

I spent the entire day in bed. Got some type of virus and felt like ..... I spared you any photos. Tigger was bored but was good company.


Anonymous said...

Hope that roadside MOTEL had a comfortable bed and cable TV! Did Tigger go out and get you some Chicken Noodle Soup.

That's what happens when you try to keep up with those beer drinkin Canadians!

Denny Fritz said...

Spent the day in bed with Tigger? More likely the Amazon lady woodcutter from Canada (my posting on Day 35) tracked you down in the US, and blew in your ear. Hope you are feeling better.

I did look up your route, and you only have 8-9 more parks left. You have over 40 stamps on your passport?

Hope you are feeling better, and did not get a virus of the butt. You need that part of your body to finish this ride.


Anonymous said...

I just caught up on your trip. As an avid motorcycle enthusiast, I wish I could do the same. The picture of the bridge from day 34 looks a lot like the one over Deception Pass at the north end of Whidbey Island. In the late 60's, I used to drive it twice daily from Anacortes to Oak Harbor NAS. One of our squadron pilots flew an A6 under it. Best of luck!