Today I was able to get on the bike but not for long. It seems my little “problem” has not moved all the way through my system yet and I found myself looking at the map to see how close the next town and the next bathroom were. After my third stop with less than 45 minutes between any of them I decided to quit for the day and hope my problem would work itself out (pardon the pun) by tomorrow.
On one of my stops at a roadside rest area I was greeted by a swarm of the biggest mosquitoes I had ever seen. Because of the wet winter, apparently they are quite bad this year and I thought I was going to have to fight them off with a baseball bat. Since the rest area had an open pit toilet that was basically four walls with a roof and a lot of ventilation they had invaded the entire space. I didn’t even take off my motorcycle helmet because it offered some protection. So, there I was, motorcycle helmet on, pants down to my ankles and my digestive system in overdrive trying to keep these monsters from biting any of the more vulnerable locations on my body. I am happy to report that my struggle was successful so I am not walking around scratching my … well you get the picture.
Hopefully, tomorrow will be a calmer day as I hope to reach Yellowstone National Park.
Kinda reminds you of Bear Creek .
I think you should avoid old faithful. Those regular eruptions could play a mind game with that last meal you had.
Hope you stole a roll of toilet paper from that motel or didn't forget those old dependable DEPENDS.
Be wary of the buffalo, Dick.
They tend to stampede when frightened by stuffed animals.
A Navy Captain who, you may remember, suffered in a similar fashion on one or our trips thanks to your passion for Sonic (aptly named) burgers.
Ah!!! sweet revenge
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