Today was spent in “Sin City”. When I had the front tire changed the fella who changed it told me I didn’t have much longer on the back. Since Las Vegas was on my route and I knew there was a BMW motorcycle dealer there, I decided to get it done. In addition I decided this would be a good time for the full service I anticipated needing on this trip. I was at the dealership when it opened and by the time I got done talking with the service rep I was looking at over $1,000 worth of work. But, since I wanted to get the bike in tip top shape for the last half of the trip, it was not a surprise. It’s a great bike but not inexpensive to maintain.
Tigger and I had intended to ride to Death Valley and back today, but when I saw the high was predicted to be 126 degrees, I changed our plans. Instead we went to Lake Mead National Recreation area where the temperature was only 108. We were able to get the national parks passport cancelled at a Nevada site, thus adding another site and another state, and I managed to keep myself and Tigger form being roasted alive.
When I got back to the room I was reading some of the stuff they gave me when I checked in and noticed Jersey Boys was playing just down the street. I called and they had a ticket so I was off to a Vegas Show. Jersey Boys is the musical based on the history of the singing group, The Four Seasons. For those of us in our prime, the time and the music is a great trip back memory lane.
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