As bad as yesterday was, today was twice that good. I fell asleep at 6:45 last night with Tigger jabbering away. I was just going to close my eyes for a few minutes and I woke up ten hours later. Poor Tigger, I think I might have hurt his feelings just a little bit, but he was over it and ready to go this morning.
We left the hotel at 7:30 and headed for Starbucks around the corner so we could really start the day off right. I had a carmel macchiato and Tigger went for the soy latte with a triple shot of espresso. He was on a high all day.
We set off for Sequoia National Park. This is one of the parks I have never seen and it is the type of park that most appeals to me so I was looking forward to it and my excitement rubbed off on Tigger. The up close views were wonderful, but any view of more than a few hundred yards was obscured by haze and smoke. The wildfires that have plagued California this year made what would have been otherwise spectacular vistas virtually invisible. We did get some good close up shots.
The tree you see Tigger and I in front of is legendary. General Sherman is the name of the Giant Sequoia. It is one of the tallest Giant Sequoia trees in the world with a height of about 275 feet (84.8 meters). Although not the tallest tree in the world (coastal redwood being taller), it is the biggest in terms of volume, making it the world's largest known single living organism by volume. As of 2002, the volume of its trunk measured about 1487 cubic meters. The tree is believed to be between 2,300 and 2,700 years old.
After leaving Sequoia we entered Kings Canyon National Park. This is a Canyon you visit form the canyon floor rather than from the top or the rim. The canyon is carved by the Kings River. As you proceed the canyon gets narrower and the walls more sheer. It makes for a very interesting motorcycle ride.
Glad you liked Sequoia. That is one that Adele and I visited on our own when we went to Fresno for the Amy/Andy reception about 7 years ago. Sorry, you missed some of the mountain vistas. Beautiful..
Have fun at Yosemite.
Hey Dick,
How are you and Tigger? Wow, I always thought it was the Redwood that was the largest and tallest. Just looking at the photo from your Post view, you can barely see Tigger; however, if you double click on the photo, you can see Tigger, you and how massive the tree really is.
You should know of all people, I am counting the days you have been gone, and I believe your math is off by one day. You left on Friday, June 13th and that day counts, so that means you were gone for 18 days in June. Today is July 13th, 13 days in July. So, 18 + 13 = 31. Today is Day 31. One Post informs us you are on the “downside” of your trip. Well, looking at your route, on your map, you are in California and you are continuing northwest to Canada. I know you are getting used to talking with someone that does not talk back or question you, but is HOME and WORK not southeast?
As you know, we are all betting around here that you will not complete your ride as scheduled. Well, one theory just got shot out of the water; we thought you would make it to Ted’s (Durango, CO) and ship your bike home. The next one is that you have forgotten your passport and you are not getting into Canada. I doubt you have forgotten it but if you did, that can be easily resolved.
Go back and read your DAY 28 (which is really Day 29), take your two words, and on the second word, remove “ED” and add “S”. That is how it is around here, without you, per your team. Now most employees would love for their boss to be away for 8 weeks. (THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU A REASON TO GO BUY A NEW HELMET!) You continue to receive these boxes, at the office, from you to you. Are you buying that many souvenirs, that many presents for Jane, or gifts for such dedicated, loyal and hard-working employees? Right! Do you remember the guy that shipped himself in a box? So, someone may still have a chance to win the bet.
What’s the highest you have had to pay for gas so far? Have you seen any 1%ers?
You can tell by the comments that people are enjoying your Blog. Pretty much everyone that calls the office ask how your trip is going or how much they look forward to reading your Blog and how they never realized you were such an excellent writer. Just remember when you skip a POSTING day; I have to hear about it. Most of them are worried about you, but others think the paperboy just forgot to deliver.
Stay safe.
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