When we awoke today I feared I might have cursed the entire state of Oregon by being so critical of California. The smoke actually followed us during the night. I asked a local law enforcement officer if there were fires in Oregon and he indicated there were no significant fires in the state and all of the smoke was from their southern neighbor.
We headed for Crater Lake National Park on a road that paralleled the Rogue River. This made for a scenic ride up this green and fertile valley. The Rouge River actually has its origins at Crater Lake. As we were driving up I saw a turnoff for a short scenic hike to view a small gorge created by the river. What a unique place.
Crater Lake itself was, once again, shrouded in smoke. I took a few pictures but I got the same results as in Yosemite. I did get a few nice pictures of closer objects. Tigger has seen some snow in the hundred acre wood, but not as much as here and certainly not in July.
While driving through central Oregon I called Dick Kerkering, one of my firms founding partners, who lives near Bend. Unfortunately he was driving back form Portland so we could not get together for lunch. As I left Bend Mt. Hood became the dominant feature on the horizon. The photo was taken form the bike while in motion.
As I look back on the trip so far, one of my shortcomings has once again reared its ugly head. I am a loser. I know what you’re thinking – tell us something we didn’t already know. But what I mean is I loose things. More accurately, I forget things. I have already left one pair of good sunglasses someplace, one pair of pants in a hotel room drawer, one CD with photos of Yosemite in a bathroom at Yosemite and countless small items here and there. I constantly check my billfold and BlackBerry as well as all of my appendages to make sure I haven’t left them lay somewhere.
I passed 11,000 miles today on the odometer and it was over a month ago that I left home. It seems like my visit to Everglades National Park was in the distant past. I am looking forward to the rest of the trip, but I am also looking forward to getting back home.
Nice pictures...
What an awesome blog, I just happened to surf in and found your blog VERY interesting. I am trying to read from day one but have to get to bed as my family is heading to... ready?... Milwaukee from Chicago... a whole 90 minutes from home. I am soooo jealous of your adventure! I wish you much luck and will be checking in to spy on you whenever I get some time to read. Happy trails to you!!
Hi Dick,
Nice pic's. I like Tigger too. Sounds like a lot of really nice parks. My favorite was the Grand Tetons. We made snow angels in August.
Came across your blog in my email somehow. What a great adventure and blog. I too have a BMW and hope one day to take a journey like this one. This has to be an experience of a lifetime. Thanks for sharing.
Watch those chickens, be safe and enjoy.
Todd J., Esquire
Be careful of lions and grizzly bears up in there, Dick, as they are known to eat stuffed anamules.
John U
Jane & Wrang probably miss you but don't let those employees of yours get to you. Employees don't miss bosses and it's nothing against you. They are probably leaving one person to answer the phones and going to the beach. They ain't foolin anybody and I bet when they do come in they are comin in late and leavin early. Home & work will still be waiting for you when you finish your journey. Enjoy it while you can. I am sure things are handled both at the office and home. Great idea on doing a blog. Your pictures bring back memories on the parks my family and I once visited. Happy trails and you Tigger stay safe.
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