I know the titles of my daily blog postings are not very creative, but it is the only way I can keep track of how long I have been gone. I have lost track of the dates and days of the week. I guess that means the vacation is going well. I didn’t realize until someone else told me, today is the 4th of July.
As I was looking at my map to plan today’s ride, I noticed I was going through Las Cruces, New Mexico. A friend, Tom Ferguson, moved there a couple of years ago. I called him to see if he was interested in having breakfast. Since I was only a little over 200 miles away I figured I could make it by 9:00 AM. Turns out I got there about 40 minutes early. We had a Mexican breakfast and it appears Mexican food initiates a gastrointestinal reaction in Tigger. It’s a good thing we were on the motorcycle rather than in a car. It was great to catch up with Tom and introduce him to Tigger.
Tigger and I went to Saguaro National Park today. It is close to Tucson and is part of the Sonora Desert. The Saguaro Cactus is a symbol of the American Southwest. They are very impressive structures. A large one can soak up to a thousand pounds of water in a single rainfall under the right conditions. Tigger is such a ham and he had to show how tough he is. If you look closely, you will notice he is sitting on a rock and not directly on the cactus.
Tomorrow I am heading to Durango, Colorado. A very close friend of Jane and I, Ted Steffens, lives there. Ted was supposed to accompany me for a week on this trip but some undisclosed strenuous activity gave him a hernia and he recently had it operated on. I’m going to have to have a discussion with him about what a man as old as him should and should not be doing. He is way older than me and the only reason I hang around him is so he feels a little younger for a while.
Your blog is awesome! Aaron and I enjoy it very much.
Aaron and Edna Gingerich
It was wonderful to see you and Tigger and catch up on all that has transpired recently. You certainly seem to be enjoying life and this wonderful adventure you are on. I'm honored you chose to contact me and have a good Mexican breakfast, notwithstanding Tigger's reaction to the Red Chile that goes on everything out here. Chips and Salsa are also standard at every meal.
Enjoy the rest of "National Parks Ride-2008" and be safe. I will continue to monitor your progress.
Best regards,
PS Please give my best to Jane and the rest of the family.
Gee, Dick, it has been a couple days without a message. Hope you are OK. By now, you ought to be in/through Colorado, so you know that country well. Will check tonight to be sure you are OK.
Denny Fritz
If you want to be creative try using Roman Numerals. It's that old XX-sorta thing that separates you from the others out there on the road.
Just to keep you up on events, on July 11, 1911, Nan Aspinwall became the first woman woman to make solo transcontinental trip by horse.
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