Tigger and I woke up to the smell of smoke in our room. I looked outside and the wind had died down and since the fire was so close the smoke had gotten much worse. We packed and got on the bike hoping to get some clear air as soon as possible. We were headed west toward the coast on the alternate route we had chosen. Along with the smoke, we were riding roads so curvy that the images on the GPS looked like an X-ray of my intestine. About 25 miles into the ride we came upon 150 fire fighters, give or take a few, and 40 or 50 pieces of fire fighting equipment. I stopped to ask if the road was open all the way through and they indicated it was but they had just extinguished a fire that started last night from some idiot who was too lazy to put their cigarette in the ashtray. The ground was still smoldering in spots.
As we approached the coast the weather turned significantly cooler. So much so that I had to stop twice to put on clothing. In addition we traded smoke for fog, but that is to be expected in the mornings along the coast. I was cold and needed a pick me up so I turned off of the main highway in Eureka to see if I could find a cup of coffee. Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of something I thought at first was a mirage, but no – there it was – STARBUCKS! We went in and repeated our pleasure of several days ago.
First it was smoke and curves, then fog and cold then we entered the enchanted forest know as Redwood National Park. The ride through these giant trees felt like we were in a fairy tale. The ferns grew profusely to compliment the stature of these tallest of trees. The Indians believe each tree has a spirit and you could almost feel a gentle being watching over you as you passed under their boughs.
As we left the coast and headed inland we crossed into Oregon and almost immediately the smoke cleared and we saw blue sky for the first time in four days.
Speaking of curvy roads, since I have been riding my current bike I have been introduced to a new term – chicken strips. Motorcycle tires are rounded since the rider leans in the curves. The further you lean, the more of the tire you use. The chicken strip is the portion of the tire at the very edge of the tread that does not get used. Some people have very large chicken strips and some have none at all. Of course those individuals who have eliminated their chicken strips entirely have decreed that the size of your chicken strips is inversely proportional to the size ...... oh well you get the picture. I bought some sand paper the other day and got rid of my chicken strips just in case anyone looked.
I took some decent photos today but I can't seem to get them uploaded. I will try again tonight.
In Indiana we eat chicken strips- learn something new all the time!!! In Florida I've heard they order chicken lips- What an experience you are having.
Hi Dick....I guess I need to say Hi to Tigger as well...Hi Tigger!
I'm getting a little worried about you. I've known you for a long time and I never, ever thought you would start talking to a stuffed animal! Sorry Tigger, but you are what you are.
Uhmmmm, I see as you get older, you are becoming more sentimental?? I guess that's what you can call it.
I can remember, not so long ago, how you said you would not allow your two boxers into your bedroom.
Then comes Wrangler! Before you know it, you tell us he sleeps with you! What the heck? You could never understand how I allowed my dog to sleep with Alex and me.
Now you have Tigger! I suppose he's going to be on the payroll here at KB, right? He'll probably have an office....with a view and we'll have to go pick up lunch for him and bring him his Starbucks! That's all fine and dandy, but don't expect me to talk to him!
I'm on Wrangler's side.
Okay, enough obout the animals, I'm glad you are safe and having a blast! I love the pictures you're posting and your daily posts. Of course, you know how I love pictures! Can't wait to see all of them when you return.
Hurry on back to the office, have fun and be safe! We sure miss you!
Something is the matter with this picture. Back a couple of posts ago some of Goble's employees indicated they missed him. You guys need to be LIVIN it up while he's out of the office. Employees missing DICK Goble. Knock, knock, it's not tax season and the BIG boss is gone! The big bad boss is gone.
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