I had been looking forward to today for some time and it turned out to be disappointing and frustrating. This whole damned state is on fire! We were visiting Yosemite today. It is one of the most visited national parks and for good reason. The scenery is beyond compare. As we approached Yosemite Valley, once again the smoke became a huge factor. I was able to get a couple of photos, but most of them did not turn out well at all. Tigger told me he still thought it was beautiful, but he said he could imagine what it would look like without the smoke.
When we left Yosemite we were headed for Lassen Volcanic National Park. When we turned off of the main highway there was a sign indicating the road was closed due to fire. We asked different people about how we might get there and the general consensus was it was not safe to try it. The smoke in Chico, California was quite heavy and the burn areas were visible from the road.
When we stopped for the night in Redding, California we learned the road we were going to take to Redwood National Park was closed as well due to fire. Fortunately, there appears to be an alternate route that is just slightly further.
I, for one, can’t wait to get out of California and hope for the best as it relates to fires in Oregon and Washington stares.
Where there is smoke, bring marshmallows.
John U.
Dick, glad to see that you and Tigger are safely skirting the CA fires! The damp weather north of you should prevent further riding in smoke obscuered surroundings. Yes, OR and WA will surely give you more wet weather, but the coast is loaded with great views all the way to the border! Stay safe!
Don S.
Ruff Ruff Daddy, it's me Wrangler and I am ready for you to come home now.
You don't seem very, berry, happy in California. You come home and you will be happy. I will ruff, ruff at you, jump, run around in circles when I see you, pee on the floor and lick you, I will let you rub me all night long. We can go outside and pee together like we always do.
Please come home DADDY, I miss you and so does Mommy. We don't have any smoke in Florida just a lot of rain. Please daddy?
Mommy is calling me so I have to hurry b/c I don't want her to catch me on the computer cuz she thinks I get on those dog stud dating sites or IM the cat houses. You shouldn't have told her that is what Tigger does while you are sleeping. I am nothing like Tigger.
I love you and miss you soooooo much. Ruff, ruff, lick, lick, ruff,
Bye Daddy.
A waft of smoke tainted the darkness of the silent room as the journalist sat back and pondered the punctuation of the moment. Does it, or does it not, require a semicolon?
Nancy Hamilton, where are you?
Smoke, the noun.
Smoke, the verb.
Smoke, the adjective.
Califorina, the land of gold, glitter and Goble.
Wherefore goeth this tale.
Tigger tales.
And in the words of the late Albert Porter: Perhaps a wet blanket would be of value.
John U
Sounds like more than wrangler misses you.
Lets get back to this 1000 you paid to fix up your bike. How much does a mountain bike cost?
Sounds like you are having the experiences you were searching for .
Ahhhh Wrangler he'll be home before you know it.
So you made it to California! Sorry about all the smoke and fires there. I'm sure they are not happy about it either. I'm sure you miss wrangler and Jane just as much as they miss you. Keep safe.
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