Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 28

As I got off of the bike at the completion of today’s ride I tried to think of words to describe it. Two words instantly came to mind. IT SUCKED. It was hot, the scenery was flat ugly and the traffic was awful. As bad as it was, it could have been worse. There was a cloud cover for the first three hours which kept the temperatures down somewhat and we did manage to find a small restaurant in a town whose name neither of us can remember that had home made turkey pot pies on the menu. Tigger slept all day and wasn’t much of a conversationalist, so when we got to the room he wanted to talk and I was beat.

Needless to say I did not take any pictures today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


We understand and we don't mind seeing sucky pictures. We gotta take the bad with the good and we are on this journey with you Buddy.

Thank goodness for Tigger. Is Tigger going for the Iron Butts too? Does he qualify?

I thought I read on here somewhere where we didn't have to word verify anymore? C'on now that sucks.

Keep your chin up cuz you don't want me to say what Chevy really said while at the Grand Canyon now do you?